For those of you who don’t know, when a girl tells you she majored in “Women’s Studies” in college, she’s using coded language . . . what she REALLY means is that she majored in eating a shitload of pussy — and fucking it, and sucking it . . . and all the other NASTY things girls can do to each other!
It all started during “Sex Week.” Basically, Sex Week was the X-rated, non-abstinence-centric bullshit, “sex positive” version of high school Sex Ed. There were events and workshops all week about EVERYTHING a sexually active person (or in my case, insatiable slut) needs to know to guarantee they’re getting fucked the right way — and that the fucking they’re doing is some Grade A shit!
There’s nothing quite as beautiful as horny young minds being introduced to the magic of “enthusiastic consent,” the joy of fisting (by way of demonstration on a giant, dripping watermelon) or the possibilities of pleasure that open up with the use of a few simple “effective” (really more AFFECTIVE, I think) cunt-lapping techniques.
It’s unbelievable to me now, but the 18-year-old Aileen that sat and watched the Cunnilingus 101-style porn in that dark room crowded with other eager, sex-crazed freshmen had NEVER tasted another woman’s cum. I remember the distinct feeling of something changing, shifting, REALLY stirring inside me while I watched that porn, transfixed on those images of a tongue slowly licking up and down the juiciest, wettest pussy I had ever seen.
I soaked up every second of that video like a sponge, like I was a pussy-eating prophetess who had just received a message from the Goddess of bisexual whores everywhere . . . and you know what prophets have to do once a new prophecy is revealed to them, right? They have to fucking DELIVER that shit!
Needless to say, it was less than 24 hours until I acted made THAT vision of perfection a reality. Personally, I think eating pussy is like the sex version of Pringles: “once you pop, the fun won’t stop!” Know what I mean?!
Wanna hear more about my pussy eating adventures? Wanna see some PICTURES of all the fun I’ve had with other girls?? Just give me a call!
♥ Aileen at Phone Sex Kingdom ♥