Anal Sex Cum Shot ready to take.
I have very clever ways of making sure that you give me that Anal Sex Cum Shot. I’m sure your aware of how naughty I am. When I send those naughty little text messages about how I want to peel every stitch of clothing down your body so I can get to that skin I crave. The pictures of me topless with I want you written on my stomach laying on the bed you fuck me on. I make sure that your mind never wanders too far without me coming along for the ride. The attention I give you is intoxicating, and no other girl has ever given you the lust and love you desire while honoring the space to be yourself.
Come home to me after I have driven you crazy with slutty snatch shots and lick the pussy you have been so hard for. I have the sweetest tasty pussy for you baby. All smooth and soft ready to take every bit of your tongue and beg for that fat cock you have waiting to feed me. I want all that Anal Sex Cum Shot tonight lover. Show me your nice guy, but also those dark hidden places where your secrets are tucked away. I will cater to every side of your kinks because that is what you deserve. I will lower my mouth along your body until my lips wrap around your thick dick for the Cock Sucking I have been craving all day.
Oh, you’re not the only one thinking about sex all day baby.
This little good girl has gone bad needs that Big Cock down my throat hard. Guided Masturbation can be hot, but I want you to literally be sweating. I love to get you completely overheated and have you thirsty for my pussy to quench your cravings. Baby take that hard dick in your hand. That’s it, now start stroking it nice and slow for me. I want to see the full length of your cock being rubbed and tugged the way I would just love to.
God baby, I want you to glide your fingertips along the underside of that juicy cock and run them up and down around that thick buckle that runs down the center just like I would lick. Picture my ass up in the air slowly wagging back and forth for Anal Sex or while my lips are sealed tightly around your swollen shaft. The way I look into your eyes with a full mouth and a tiny smirk peeking out from the corner of my mouth showing you just how much I love giving you head. Let your hand give you the love and affection my tongue would all-around your shaft with this Guided Masturbation.
I’m your little cock sucker, but when I can’t suck up both balls in my mouth and get them nice and wet. I need you to rub them with a wet hand so your mind can wander all the way to my ass and pussy sitting on your face so we can 69 together. So you can taste my warm, soft, sweet little pussy while I suck your dick off.
Stroke faster now lover and increase your rhythm and grip.
Let me hear you breathing harder and lose yourself into my wanting words. Cum for me baby, make a mess and shoot your load all over so I can lick up every drop. Teasing me with your tongue twirling around my own slowly drives me wild. Opening my mouth a little wider and taking my tongue deeper. Pressing our bodies together we feel the heat we generate. Breathing begins to intensify and I take you in. Using your breath as my oxygen you feed me new life. Feeding on you already yet I crave more. Having Anal Sex Cum Shot on my mind, I have been lusting for you to deliver. Getting me higher and higher until my feet no longer touch the floor.
Leaning me back on the bed you kiss down my warm skin. Pulling my panties down you tell me exactly what you plan on doing to me. Looking into my green eyes and I into yours I can see your clarity. Having my ass all to yourself with total ownership is the way it is. Talking dirty to me for so long from a distance we knew that wouldn’t hold us forever. Feeling your lips traveling slowly up my thighs sends tingles straight to my pussy. Being as wet as I continue to intensify with every kiss and lick you give. Sliding your fingers inside of my tight ass you prepare me for that perfect cock of yours.
Standing up and lowering your pants I get to see that huge dick I hunger for.
Feed my ass that Anal Sex Cum Shot baby while you watch me touch and rub my pussy. Grip that thick cock and slide it into my wet little pussy so you can ease into my ass. I heat up when you rub your swollen head against my asshole until your head begins to push me open.