Anal Sex With You Inspires Love Letters From Your Little Ass Slut Alyssa.
Teasing me with your tongue twirling around my own slowly drives me wild. Opening my mouth a little wider and taking your tongue deeper. Pressing our bodies together we feel the heat we generate. Breathing begins to intensify and I take you in. Using your breath as my oxygen you feed me new life. Feeding from you already yet I crave more. Having Anal Sex on my mind, I have been lusting for you to deliver. Getting me higher and higher until my feet no longer touch the floor.
Leaning me back on the bed you kiss down my warm skin. Pulling my panties down you tell me exactly what you plan on doing to me. Looking into my green eyes and I into yours I can see your clarity. Having my ass all to yourself with total ownership is the way it is. Talking dirty to me for so long from a distance we knew Phone Sex wouldn’t hold us forever. Feeling your lips traveling slowly up my thighs sends tingles straight to my pussy. Being as wet as I continue to intensify with every kiss and lick you give. Sliding your fingers inside of my tight ass you prepare me for that perfect cock of yours.
Standing up and lowering your pants I get to see that huge dick I hunger for. Feed me baby while you watch me touch and rub my pussy. Grip that big thick cock at the base and slide it into my wet little pussy so you can ease into my ass. Anal Sex Stories heat up when you rub your swollen head against my asshole until your head begins to push me open.