Hey Lover, your baby cock humiliation awaits. Are you ready?
That’s exactly what happened when we caught you trying to “strut your stuff” in front of us at the college library; you were practically BEGGING for a baby cock humiliation, admit it!
Did you plan it, or did it plan YOU? Either way, my friends and I are the ones in charge now! Where did this sordid little tale begin? Well, my girlfriends and I were studying for our midterm exams on the fifth floor of the psychology department library. The material was extremely dull and so we were all bored AF.
You thought you were being SO shocking, jumping out from behind the library stacks and dramatically whipping out your baby wiener in front of my friends and me.
“Omg, Angel!” exclaims my BFF Megan as she points at you. “WTF is that? Doesn’t this loser KNOW that we all have a major size queen fetish?!” We all burst into hushed, yet uncontrollable laughter. Of course, all you could do was stand there, clutching your pathetic inchworm between your thumb and forefinger. Indeed, you looked completely deflated. In more ways than one, obviously!
Hello, “Noodle!” Feeling a little limp right now, baby? 

Surrounded by a group of sexily-dressed college girls who look totally hot and are definitely out of your league, you stare at us frantically. After all, you thought you had the upper hand, imagining that you were gonna do a *little* flash n’ wank with some freaked-out girls staring at you.
Instead, you realize that the tables are about to be turned into your first public humiliation!
Uh oh, someone’s about to become VERY embarrassed and it won’t be my friends and me, that’s for sure! Instantly, my classmates and I casually link arms with you, as if we’re all going for a walk through the library stacks. Consequently, a librarian nods at us, lifting a brow as we strut by. Of course, you gasp aloud. Oooh, did she notice anything, you’re wondering? Accordingly, are you feeling like a deer caught in headlights yet, pervert?
However, you don’t get a chance to wonder what you’ll say to the librarian because we continue dragging you down the maze of hallways. After that, we proceed to quietly pull you into a study room and close the door. “C’mon now, BabyCock, don’t be shy. We’re finally alone now, lover!” snickers one of my friends. “You were so eager to wave your chapstick dick at us a few minutes ago, weren’t you?!”
Just to emphasize your “not-so-tiny” predicament, I snicker while wondering aloud whether anyone has tweezers and a microscope in order to help us find that teenie weenie. Seriously, it’s the ultimate in baby cock humiliation stories, don’t you think?
Predictably, you’re groaning loudly, filled with a mixture of shame, confusion, and lust. Obviously, you’re torn between the desire to run away or staying to see what happens next! Suddenly, you’re struggling to stay calm while my friends crowd around you in the relatively small space. Hands all over you, stripping off your shirt, then tugging down your jeans, and…oh no!
My friends and I explode into giggles as we all behold what you do NOT have between your legs. Yep, that’s a baby cock, definitely!
Furthermore, you’re not exactly wearing what would be considered “everyday” guy underwear, either. Matter of fact, you’ve gone completely commando! Kinda makes a person wonder if you were unconsciously hoping that someone would catch you, doesn’t it? And before you write off that thought, it’s important to remember that not only are sexy college girls surrounding you, there’s something else. We’re psychology students, too.
Yes, that’s right. Psychology students. Delivering baby cock humiliation, straight to you. Ready for it? No? TOO BAD.
You are SO screwed, tiny dude! Clearly, you just don’t realize it yet. Oh, look at that, a dicklet rhyme!
Unwrapping a lollipop and sucking on it for a moment, I continue to smirk at your predicament. “You’re fun-sized, aren’t you,” I casually remark as my friends laugh hysterically. Whimpering, you hang your head in abject shame as you realize there’s no escape. Oh, the humiliation!
Looking into your eyes, my expression clearly tells you that there’s no escape from whatever delicious humiliations my friends and I have planned for you!