It Was A Slamming Party Until We Were Busted

One of my hotter babysitter stories I have was when the guy I was babysitting for came home early. And he caught me using his house for a party he never agreed to. He’d gone to this out of town weekend wedding and was supposed to be gone all of Friday and Saturday night. And not get back until Sunday afternoon, so a Saturday night party should have been no problem. But he came back home early at around three a.m. Sunday morning, when the party was still going on. As soon as my friends saw him come in and he was furious. They streamed out and the place was empty in about three minutes.
I Was Busted And Would Be In A Lot Of Trouble
The place looked like a bomb blew up. The kids were sound sleepers though and hadn’t stirred at all since they went to bed before the guests arrived. He looked around, his jaw hanging open, his face growing red. He said he was going to tell my parents about this and not even pay me! Unless I did something for him.
Since I was to have been there the whole weekend. The pay was a couple of hundred dollars. I didn’t want to miss out on that money. So I asked him what, and he said he’d had a very stressful day and night and that’s why he came home early. He didn’t elaborate. But he said a nice, sloppy blow job would go a long way to making him put this out of his mind. He laughed and said it would make for some funny, future babysitter stories I could tell from my youth.
So I Had No Choice But To Make Him Happy
I didn’t really have a choice, so I agreed. He told me to go upstairs, check on the kids to make sure they were still asleep then go into his room. He’d be there in a minute, and I did so. He got himself a drink and then was in the bedroom with me and took his clothes off. And sat on the bed and I joined him. He
was already hard as a rock and I reached out and started to stroke his shaft. He then placed my young, wet lips around it and started to suck on it and drool all over it. Making it nice and sloppy, as requested. It wasn’t that bad, he had a nice, large cock and I started getting into it.
He placed his hand on the back of my head and was using my ponytail as a handle of sorts. And he was really fucking my young mouth. I was taking every inch of him down my throat and I felt my young pussy growing wet. But I didn’t want him to know that. He groaned as I slid my tongue all up and down his cock and then sucked on his balls. They were tightening up about to release his hot, creamy load down my throat.
I was told to open wide, and he gushed into my mouth and I swallowed every drop. He went to clean up and then he paid me for the babysitting duties and said all was forgotten. I went downstairs to clean up from the party. And he went to sleep. One of the more memorable babysitter stories I ever had. And he even gave me a bit extra money than the babysitting job was agreed on.
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