Blasphemous Creampie Communion
Mary Joe always loved giving her big speeches for the town at church on the Lord’s day. Sunday was her time to shine! Ordinarily, she touched on topics like town clean-up, banned school books, and particularly, her favorite, homosexual-run businesses. The real problem that plagued her little town, unbeknownst to her, was the real fear of God himself. There had seemed to be a decline in the “saved” population. Mary Joe had no clue that day in church Jesus himself would come down and ask her to deliver a message. Little did she also know she would be delivering a blasphemous creampie communion to her entire community.
Sitting in the front row, as usual, Mary Joe felt a shock.
Her eyes began to roll to the back of her head, her body sweat, and she was transported to another place. She opened her eyes and saw Jesus Christ himself. He stood there tall, black, and with open arms. “Welcome, Mary Joe. I have been waiting for you. You are the key to save your town’s faith. I need you to be strong. What I am about to tell you may sound strange, but I promise it’s a necessity, and a message ordered by God himself” Mary listened carefully. Right before her eyes began to open she said aloud “Blasphemous Creampie communion?”
Her husband gave her a look.
He wondered why she was napping in the first place, and why pie was on her mind. He shrugged while continuing to pretend he was listening to the preacher, taking sips of moonshine he snuck into his water bottle. The preacher began his sermon, speaking of adultery as well as the importance of a strong marriage. Mary Joe leaped out of her seat, storming the stage like a Qanon shaman on January 6th. She got to the stage looking down at the crowd below her, spewing words without having any filter. Preparing for what would be a very blasphemous creampie communion.
“Today will be a day of reckoning!”
“Everyone in this room is a sinner, and all of you have lost your faith. I am here today to save you. What you are about to witness will be a blessing, a blessing to spread the word of God!!! As Mary stood before her neighbors she began to rip her clothes off like a chippendales dancer, or like someone possessed by a higher power. Soon, a bright light appeared, while shining down from the center of the church, there appeared Christ almighty. Jesus floated towards the stage, above everone, leaving them in utter shock. He removed his white robe and with the power within him, he began spreading Mary Joe’s legs like peanut butter and jelly.
Christ exposed his perfect 12-inch-cock while entering Mary in her holiest of holies.
He pounded Mary over and over, finally cumming his heavenly pearls inside her. Turning to face his followers. he grabbed his cock while saying “Come now heathens and eat the body of Christ, the bounty is overflowing in thy neighbor!” One by one they lined up for their taste of Christ. Last but not least, Mary Joe’s pig husband finished up the batch. His eyes were wide and glazed over. He looked up at Mary and said “JESUS IS BLACK?”
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