Cock control.
We all know how much I love to control that hard cock! Especially when it’s HOT married cock control! I have a certain married caller who got REALLY horny at the thought of me writing a letter to his wife, detailing for her all our fun adventures together. I decided I would write his wife, Rachel, a sweet little note and send it to him. He fucking LOVED it! I thought I would post it on the blog so that ALL the married men that get hard at the thought of their infidelity being thrown in the face of their useless wives could have a read!
Dear Rachel,
Hi there!
You don’t know me, but my name is Jenna. Who I am is VERY important, because I am the owner of your husband’s cock! That’s right! I own that cock – NOT you! I’m a professional phone sex operator, and an expert in the area of cock control. Your husband’s cock has been mine for some time now. Didn’t you ever wonder why he stopped trying to teach YOU how to satisfy him?
Now, before you start to cry, let me just explain to you EXACTLY what a dirty bastard your husband is; after all, that’s the entire point of this note! A note, by the way, that was HIS idea! He’s SUCH a fucking pervert that he actually wanted me to write to you and tell you what a failure of a husband and hardcore cheater he is… and what a failure YOU are at giving him satisfaction! In fact, THIS is what the thought of cheating on you with ME did to his cock!
Look how big and thick and hard he is for ME! Not his wife, but his dirty little whore that actually makes him moan and beg, and gets his cock off HARD! I know ALL his dirty little secrets. I’ve made him do LOTS of perverted things for me… things that you’d never even think of, let alone make him do! If you were more of a woman, you could control his cock!
…after all. I DO!
This was just last night. (where were YOU? At home waiting for him after he called to say he had to “work” late?)
He was SO desperate to have me that not only did he do a phone call with me, he ALSO purchased one of my videos, so that he could watch me in action! I thought he was going to pass OUT when I dripped that creamy white lotion all over my tits and started to rub it in. I’ll bet you’ve never heard him make those noises, let alone been the cause of them! A good little girl scout like you would NEVER whisper in his ear about fucking him with a strap on, or making him suck and fuck a big black dick! That’s right – there’s a side of your husband that you don’t know at all. The side that craves my cock control and also my MIND control.
He’s ready, willing, and eager to do whatever I ask him. He BEGS to give me whatever dark desire I want when we talk.
I made him print out a picture of me to shoot that hot load of cum on it. You know.. the cum load that was supposed to belong to you tonight, but was given to me? (Sorry your fancy dinner got cancelled as well. The money went towards buying my slutty video!) You should see the huge load of cum he always shoots for his PERFECT girlfriend. (psst, that’s ME!) Maybe next time, I’ll send a picture. He wanted me to send it, because he secretly wants to see me break you down – but I think you’ve had enough for one note, don’t you?
The HOT slut who owns your husband’s cock
Ever since I wrote this note and sent it to him, he’s been even MORE desperate for my homewrecking cock control! I can email him at any point during the day and simply tell him I want to play with MY cock. He drops everything he’s doing immediately! It doesn’t matter if he’s at work – he takes a break or goes to the bathroom. It doesn’t matter if he’s at home with his bland and boring society wife; he makes an excuse to leave so he can jerk off for ME in their expensive car! He belongs to me – lock, cock, and barrel!
If your balls swell and ache at the thought of this kind of cock control? All you have to do is call me.
Wow, that note is so cruel, so devious… yet I’m so completely turned on. You have quite the way with words!
God, you are so devious, so ruthless, such a homewrecker. I’m appalled… Yet I can’t stop coming back to your blog PRAYING for more!