There is no way to ignore that feeling that you are having, honey. You might as well give in to your own temptations and desires. My Cream Pie Phone Sex pussy is warm and incredibly wet. Likewise, it is overflowing with the one that pairs best with my cunt. After all, you crave both my cunt and the creamy dripping load of a big black cock on your tongue. It is getting harder to hide it now, isn’t it? So just give up and come follow me to my bedroom. Finally, it is time for you to taste your place.
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I seductively give you a grin as I glare in your direction. You’re like a little snot-nosed little brat in a candy shop; eagerly awaiting his treat. Then, I slowly open my legs exposing my beautiful naked cunt. My finger run down my sculpted stomach and over my pretty pussy lips. Slowly two fingers open my sweet shortcake cunt up exposing the cream filling inside. Finally, you see what you have been dreaming of, that dribbling cum flowing from my perfect pussy hole.
Time To Eat Some Of This Shortcake Pussy Pie!
As my finger beckons you and leads my whimpering and eager clean up boy to me. Running my fingers through your hairline, I pull you into my cunt. This is what you were meant for. You were meant to be the little cuckold that cleans my strawberry shortcake pussy clean that has been filled with a big black cock cum load. Finally, you know your place in this world, slurping the warm jizz from my freshly fucked slit. However it I hard for you to handle your own excitement, and you end up with your load in your own pants. This is why you have earned this place cuck, how pathetic.