With school now out for the summer, I had to set my mind to thinking of a job to get to save up for tuition in the fall. I was short on cash and didn’t want to trouble my parents, they weren’t well off. I was debating what to do when my roommate Sherry mentioned her father was coming through town on business today and having dinner with us after his meeting.
Oh my, I thought, her naughty dad was always good for a couple of bucks I laughed to myself as I thought about how he’d spanked me for money the last two times he’d come through town and my friend had gotten called away unexpectedly both times. He would be there in an hour I was told. I went upstairs and changed, and made sure to put on some sexy underwear, who knew where this night might lead!

He arrived and we had a nice dinner and I mentioned to him about the summer job situation I was worried about and I’d already told my friend, she had a job lined up but I didn’t and after dinner when she was cleaning up in the kitchen and he and I were alone he said he’d been thinking about my situation over the dinner and he’d thought of a way I could earn money over the summer and not even have to get a real job. I said what is it? He said he had to spend the summer in another state at a job training thing to update his skills and he’d be happy to have me go with him. I knew when he said that that I’d basically become his summer long paid beck and call girl. I asked him and he said yes, that was the idea.
Well, I’d never considered such an arrangement but it had to beat being a hostess at Denny’s or filing at some law clerks office all day on my feet. He gave me his email and over the next several days we set things in motion. I told my friend I’d be staying with relatives out of state for the summer and helping at their family business. She seemed to buy the explanation. The car taking me to the airport was sent by her father, he met me at the airport when I arrived and once settled in at his house he’d rented for the next two months, he wasted no time in getting me into bed.
That very night I was not there for four hours even before I had his hand on my ass spanking me, and hard. I worried a summer’s long spanking might permanently leave marks on me. After dinner he told me to bend over like a good girl and I did. He pulled my skirt up around my hips and pulled my panties down and must have spanked me ten times. I was then told to get on my knees and suck on his rigid cock, which I did. I asked if he wanted to cum in my mouth and he said no, to get on the bed and on my back and he soon climbed on top of me and fucked me quite well actually. It was actually the best sex I’d had in a long time and I did cum from him fucking me.
He shot his gooey load in my cunt and then did something I wasn’t expecting, he reached into the bedside table and I thought he’d pull out a sex toy, but he had some lollipops in there and I thought, ok, time for a snack? LOL, but he then, after unwrapping and licking it, started to push it into the mouth of my pussy and coat it with all the cum of his that was starting to drip out and then he withdrew it and popped it in my mouth. Cherry lollipop covered in cum, this was going to be an interesting summer after all I thought.
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