Erotic Sex Stories: My surprise quickly melted to desire at what I was witnessing.

Erotic Sex Stories: With my duties as a nurse some days I work in the Urology Department. This is where men donate their sperm for infertile couples. There was one man who came in on occasion to donate who particularly intrigued me. He was attractive and carried himself with confidence.

Last week he came in to give his donation. The rooms have porno movies playing and men’s magazines to help them get aroused. I saw Mitch go in his room and began fantasizing about what he must be doing. I could feel my pussy getting damp and looked forward to seeing the light outside his room being turned off…the signal that he had finished and his jar was full of his sperm. Mitch always shot huge loads. After about 20 minutes the light went off and I went to Mitch’s room expecting to collect his sample.

I opened the door to the room and to my surprise, I was greeted not with a cup of Mitch’s cum on the counter but with him seated on the bench stroking his cock. My surprise quickly melted to desire at what I saw. Quickly, I closed the door behind me and sat next to him.  I placed one hand at the base of his swollen shaft and slid the other underneath his balls to stimulate his testes.”It’s absolutely gorgeous,” I whispered as our lips met unexpectedly and shared a deep passionate kiss. I continued pumping Mitch’s dick with my hand, varying the pace and pressure on his pretty thick cock. A soft moan was Mitch’s only verbal feedback.

True Sex Stories like this one are so hot!

Erotic Sex Stories:  “He must make a lot of babies I thought,”

 I looked down and saw precum forming on the tip of his delicious cock. Oh, how I wanted to lick it, but that would have to wait. Mitch stood up and grabbed his jar. His body shuddered once or twice then went stiff as ropes of the thickest, pearly white cum I had ever seek began springing from his loins. I realized that my.panties had become completely soaked watching this.

Mitch released his cum ropes then oozed into the jar his remaining supply. “He must make a lot of babies I thought,” as my hand milked him for every last drop. When he was finished I looked up at him with a mischievous grin.

“You’re such a good healthy boy,” I said. “Maybe the next time we can do this in a more intimate location…like my place.”

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