My Free Incest Sex Stories are different from lots of little girl’s eXXXperiences, but they couldn’t have been more relevant to what I choose to do in my adult life. From the earliest, I can remember toddling over to my daddy, running right between his open thighs. Sometimes, he’d wear slacks, other times, not. My face fell at about cock height as he sat and I was on my bare feet.
At first, I’d simply lay my warm cheek against his inner thigh. Other times I would look up into Daddy’s face and saw him get a sleepy look in his eyes. Either way, I always saw his dick grow right before my eyes! In light of his reaction, mine mirrored it with wetness in my Hello Kitty panties. I didn’t know at the time why I had that feeling, or what it meant for Daddy to do what he did next.
However, if I thought I was loving Daddy before, I was elated by the way he fed me when Mommy wasn’t at home! He pulled his worm from his pants and I remember wanting to lick the water CUMming from the little hole on top. It was like a water fountain at my daycare. And did I LOVE that fountain.
He never tried to stop me; instead seeing it more as an instructional opportunity to teach me exactly what a man wants and needs. Unlike older girls, I saw it as the best way to be close to him; while also cultivating my taste for semen. I slurped and burped at the water until I saw cream begin to slide from the hole and down the sides. And I gobbled at it as quickly as I could.
Free Incest Sex Stories only revved my engine and it CUNTinues through today.
Once Daddy and I got the hang of things, he would tangle his fingers in my long pigtails and slowly lift himself from the couch to push at my tonsils. Moreover, I developed my own system of delivery for the goods. I distinctly recall just helping myself as soon as we were alone. Whether we were in his car after daycare, or in my room, or the couch. I would pull him free from his pants and started sucking on it!
Of course, I never let Mommy see us; not so much because I felt guilty, but more so because I never learned the all-important childhood lesson of “sharing”. I wanted Daddy in the morning while Mommy slept, I wanted him right after school and I wanted him in the middle of the night when he came to “check” on me. And every time we were together, I got to suck his dick until he fed my that life-sustaining CUM!
So, it’s no SIRprise that in my adult life I love to do Ageplay Phone Sex and I want YOU to be my Daddy. I love to hear your breathing shift while your little Joey sucks you down my eager throat. To slurp you juices and lick your balls, or even bury my tongue in that wrinkly, little pucker as I stroke your prostate! I love to sop up the slippery slime running from that little whole. And most of all, I love the warm cream you give me over the phone. And most times over-the-phone is better because I have to take myself to your place in my mind. It’s no wonder that I’ve developed a penchant for all things family fun.
My Mother-In-Law Sex Stories are a fun pastime for my Free Incest Sex Stories.
Oooh-weeee! The way I suck her cunt is the stuff of which LEGENDS are made! However, I won’t get ahead of myself; I’ll keep the focus on using my Dad as my first pacifier. To this day, anytime, we’re alone, he automatically pulls the beast out and I get to feeding. I can honestly say that cum is my all-time favorite beverage and it makes it super-hard for all of my boyfriends. No man can ever seem to measure up to Daddys big juicy cock!
Not to be turned off by that. It just means that any man who follows has a big hill to climb to make me beg for his protein shake. Cum to me for the most tempting blowjobs of your life! And I never say No! Open your pants and your ears and wait for the journey you never thought you’d take!