Hey there, it is Corey. It was certainly fucking nice of you to come over and fuck this little pussy. However, I have a really good question for you. What did you think was going to happen when you pulled down your fucking pants. Did you actually think I was going to be impressed by your little engine that couldn’t? Oh my fucking God, if you haven’t gotten humiliation phone sex you are going to crave it now. That little shrimp dick is entirely useless to me sexually. Although, it is a great form of entertainment while I laugh at your dumb ass!
You deserve this humiliation phone sex!
I mean just look at it. What is that? About 3-4 inches? I honestly feel a little bit bad for all of the fucking shaming and name-calling you are about to get little be less. However, that is not going to deter me at all. I wouldn’t even want to put something that small in my mouth. How does it feel to know you have never made a woman gag on your pathetically small cock. Sorry if you are offended because I keep laughing. Although it is really 100% your own fucking fault. After all, you know how tiny your own dick is.
Yet you still came!
Ew! Why that fuck it is it twitching at me? Are you seriously fucking getting hard? I bet you want to fucking rub that tiny little clit dick right in front of my fucking face. Rub it just like it was a vagina. I mean, I guess you could stroke it. However, it would only be with your thumb and index finger. I do have a pair of tweezers for you! LMAO. As I look at that small little excuse for a wiener my side hurts from laughter.
As you dribble dickies I can’t help but laugh.
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