milf sex stories
Milf Sex Stories!!! I cannot believe what my Mom finally admitted to me! My mom is pretty hot. When I was in high school, I knew she was beautiful and she kept her body tight. We would swim and run together, so I know how sexy her body was… and it still is. We’ve always been very close. We would talk about anything.
This is why what she finally admitted to me was so shocking. My good friend, Peter, has been in my life since we were pretty young. Our parents were friends before we were born so we grew up together. In High School, Peter and I were still pretty tight. He was hot but I thought of him as my brother and we never dated. Sometimes I was confused about why he never made a pass at me but I figured he felt the same as me.
He would come over a lot. My Mom always wore shorter skirts and blouses that showed her cleavage when he was around. She would make excuses to hang out with us and she embarrassed me by openly flirting with him. I would get annoyed but Peter seemed to like it. Now that I live away, My Mom and I have long Skype calls and I cannot believe what she admitted to me on our last one. As we talked about the past and Peter and his family, I asked her, “Mom what was it with you and Peter? You always acted so
Now that I live away, My Mom and I have long Skype calls and I cannot believe what she admitted to me on our last one. As we talked about the past and Peter and his family, I asked her, “Mom what was it with you and Peter? You always acted so silly when he was around! You acted like you were his girlfriend or something.” “Oh Sara, it was nothing. He was pretty hot though, right?”
“Mom! He was practically my brother and…your SON!”
My Mom turned red and giggled a little.
“Mom, tell me the truth… did you….did you… fuck him?” I asked and almost didn’t want to know the answer.
“Well, if you must know…”
She went on to tell me how he walked by her bedroom while she was taking off her nylons. He glanced at her and smiled. She told him to come in and close the door. They fucked while I was watching TV in the other room.
“Oh, Mom. Please tell me that was the only time!”
“Sorry Sara, we never stopped. In fact, he is in my bed right now.”
Ugh my dirty slutty MILF Mom has been fucking my buddy for almost 8 years behind me and my dad’s back!
Call me for more MILF Sex Stories.