My Pathetic Loser and his tiny cock

My Pathetic Loser failed me again so I told him to write my blog entry for the week. He failed to mention how I made him cover his little cock in peanut butter so I made him send me a picture.  Here is his tiny peanut butter-covered dick.  Ha Ha, this is the crappy clog entry  he came up with:

I have an obedient loser who begs me to allow him to make a fool of himself. For my amusement, of course. As he dumps cold beer over his head running down his fat beer belly I laugh as he gasps from the cold hitting his skin. He is such a pig he is standing in beer now on his dirty floor. u no we can’t waste good alcohol so on my command the loser gets on all fours and starts lapping up the dirty beer off the floor.

The pig says thank you mistress for allowing me to serve you. At this time I yell at the slave because he made a mess on the floor u will be punished for making a mess. The pig begs for mercy he says he licked the gross floor clean please please please mistress. Well, I was amused at that so I will go easy get a wooden spoon and wack your balls 10 times lol. He thanked me after each wack. Then he asked me if he could cum. The answer is NO.


Look at my pathetic clown’s grammar! I will have to make him pay extra hard for every error in this post. He better gets more celery because he will be sticking it up to his ass again!

Loser Clown if you are reading this: Prepare to be Humiliated by your Queen!

If you are another pathetic loser with a tiny dick, call me and let me play with you too! I will be around all weekend.


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