Phone sex convention 2017 was slated to be the biggest “It” thing for the year; so, you KNOW my motor revved up!! Although, you can imagine my chagrin at finding myself booked into the only room vacant at the only HOTEL left on the Strip!
Although this may be true, it was the only game in town. Therefore, I rode up to my room in an elevator PACKED with callers to our CUMpany! One of the riders was a personal caller. And I recognized his cologne from items he’d sent me, but I didn’t let on. Not only that but, being a Girl here meant they ALL wanted to fuck me. And, just maybe I’d LET them!
One of the best things about working in the sex industry is that it’s mostly men in attendance at these functions. Know what else it means? I can fuck any random man I choose, all while PRETENDING I don’t recognize their voices from my phone line.
As a matter of fact, the guy (You KNOW who you are. Giggle) who wants to fuck me in my rabbit costume, or YOU…OVER THERE! The one who LOVES me sucking YOUR toes, before I ride you while wearing a saddle! I will seek you out, one and all! You’ll never be the same after fucking me in person! Moreover, neither of us will ever view phone sex the same way again!
I’ll do what you like; you’ll give what I need and we’ll leave happy until next year’s convention in Aruba. Store up that jizz for me. You KNOW I’ll be starving for you by then. But, unlike other parties, let’s keep it on the down-low. Unless, you WANT to share me with your boys?
We can’t UN-RING that bell…can we?