Phone Sex After An Electric Encounter At The Bar By The Beach turns a lesbian straight for the night.
Walking into the Phone Sex bar she looked around taking in her new surroundings. Sitting quietly on the far bar stool sat a very sexy broad man drinking alone. Moving through the crowd with purpose she made her way over to the bar. Ordering a shot of whiskey and a pint of beer she looked over the crowd again. This time noticing the man alone near the corner. Looking up from his glass they made eye contact. Lasting for what seemed to be forever, he cracked first. Looking away and almost blushing.
She wasn’t your typical beauty. Standing on two very long legs that went on and on her frame was soft and curvy. Ripped jeans that had been washed so much they fit all the good places just right. Scuffed motorcycle boots peeking out from the bottom hem kinda drove him wild. Loose curled blonde hair didn’t hurt either. He seemed a little shy to her so she made her way over to him holding her drinks. Looking up at him with her big bright blue eyes made him a goner.
Laughing the night away and confessing their secrets to each other, she reveals that she’s never been with a man before. Loving other women has always been her way, and now she’s found a cock sucking desire. Sliding up and down his slick thick dick is all she can imagine and all she needs. Things shift and he begins to become more assertive. He takes her by the waist and kisses her deeply. Showing her that she gets to receive his masculine lust.
Having a man for the first time will be a world apart from the gentle touch of a woman. The shaft of his eager cock will be a totally new experience.