Phone sex is still popular, here’s why

It’s been said that men respond mostly to visual stimuli, but with my experience I can say with confidence that this statement isn’t completely correct. Finding porn these days is way too easy, and if men were only interested in the visual aspect of sexual gratification, there would be no more phone sex operators in the world. While in reality the phone sex business is far from dying out. In fact, is thriving as we celebrate our 16th year.

There’s no greater sex organ than the brain. Stimulating a person’s mind by pushing all the right buttons will most probably result in immense sexual pleasure. Men sometimes have more difficulties talking about their needs, wishes, and sexual desires. Phone sex deprives a person from seeing the action, but because of this. The person is forced to use his or her imagination. And this is where things get interesting; when the mind starts wandering off into the darkest corners of one’s sexuality, exploring the boundaries of what once seemed to be unobtainable and unreachable. A woman doesn’t have to take off her clothes to arouse a man, she needs to be flirtatious, interesting, accepting, and open to exploring new sexual horizons.

So why is phone sex better than webcam sex?

As I stated earlier, being deprived of one stimulus can have a very positive effect on a man. Women who are blindfolded by their partners often report that they found it very thrilling and exciting. All of their other senses go into overdrive. Their intimate body parts become more sensitive as the mind tries to make up for the inability to see. It’s much the same with men. Hearing a woman’s sexy voice. Talking about his deepest desires, and not being judged for those fantasies is what makes phone sex much more fun and exciting.

In my vast experience, men don’t turn to phone sex because their partners aren’t sexy, pretty, in shape, etc. It’s the unwillingness to try new things that often leads to a sexless relationship. And this is where women like me step in and help out. We simply accept these people and do not judge them for their desires, needs, and so on. We accommodate all men, regardless of what they might like. Believe it or not, there are women in the world who share the same fantasies. Sometimes you just have to look harder.

Phone sex is here to stay, despite all the new technologies that have taken over the world in recent years.

Not because phone sex is inherently better than porn or watching webcams, but because people have different needs, and at its core, one thing will never change; all people are highly sexual beings, and eventually their feelings need to surface and be satisfied. Happiness doesn’t come from having an abundance of one particular resource or activity. It comes down to a healthy balance, and people should indulge themselves when it comes to sex as well because it will make them happier and more confident individuals. Sometimes it takes very little for a man or woman to be pulled out of a rut, and if they feel sexually unfulfilled, that’s a good starting point for further change.

So by all means, masturbate with one of the hottest phone sex girls in the universe and find out for yourself why phone sex is still so popular. Check out our Queens @ phone sex kingdom

Phone Sex Kingdom Nicole Burke
