Porn sex. Everyone has watched it.
I have. You have. everyone has. Some people may not watch all the time but they should. How else are you going to learn new and exciting positions or fetishes? loving to watch people have sex and try new things I turn to porn sex. They have got their positions down right because they practice and they are also videoed. Sometimes new positions take time to master. finding the best way to do this is to watch porn sex videos and find what you want to try and watch and study. Then video yourself trying it so you can go back and compare it to the porn sex video. Make changes if need be and try again.
You will get this right.
You will master your position that you want to achieve. Now its time for the real deal. Making it perfect. Needing a couple of tripods to ensure that you get a couple of different angles is a must. No one likes a one angle porn video. Set up the cameras, I usually use my phone It has awesome video technology on it and I have a remote for it also. Making sure that you like the view from where it is set up, The good thing about tripods is they can always be moved into a position you want. Next is the lighting, lighting is very crucial to the porn sex video.
No fluorescent lighting,
Let me repeat that one more time just to make sure it sinks in, No fluorescent lighting. No one looks good in this lighting. My preference is a nice soft mood lighting atmosphere. Now its time to get your fuck on. Go make the best porn sex video you can. Now you have your own to watch whenever you like. Watching yourself in a porn sex video is so hot you will thank me for it later. Craving sex on camera is a sexual fetish and so are some of the other blogs I have written so check them out. Then you can give me a call and we can make our own phone sex porn. Do you want to fulfill your porn sex fantasy with me?