Being the warden of a men’s prison is a tough job for a woman but not too tough for me. It was one of the kinkiest jobs I ever had. All those men….Black…..white……brown……red……yellow……men from all over the world…..Big men…..strong men…..tall men…..short men…..masculine men…..sissy boys……from the guards to the prisoners and they all answered to me.
The guards were very loyal to me. I had my pick of the crop with the guards. They were all my type. You have to be in shape and fit to be a prison guard because you have to have a threatening stature amoungst the criminals. There was a tall black guard named, Simon, who way my hump day delight. Every Wednesday Simon would assist Warden Genie with her paper work. However the only paper that he touched were the ones he pushed off of my desk in order to lay my naked ass on it and fuck my brains out.
Simon’s big black cock filled my pussy up so good. He humped my tits….and my ass….and my pussy with that long black cock of his. I especially liked fucking Simon when my little cuckhold bitch Kenny from cell block D was sitting in my office. I chained his faggot ass up in the corner and made him watch Simon bang his big black rod in my pussy and shoot a cum wad bigger than life all over my pussy and thighs and on his thighs and cock and my tits. Simon’s cum shoots far and wide.

I whistle for Kenny to “Cum and get it. Clean it up like a good boy.” And just like a little dog this poor pathetic pencil dick loser would crawl over and start cleaning up Simon’s cum off of his thighs and licking up the cum that drips down his cock as I lay on my desk and watch while licking cum off my own tits.
Simon liked when his little dog , Kenny, would lick his cum. It made him hard all over again. And Kenny would look at me and ask, “Warden Genie….do I have permission to suck Simon’s hard black cock?” I would look at his sad droopy eyes and say “Go ahead Kenny….you’re the one who got his black cock hard again. Kenny opened his mouth wide and let Simon slide his cock deep in his mouth.
As Simon moaned with delight I thought I heard a noise outside my office door. I got the creepy feeling that someone was watching. In a prison this size that’s not safe. Anything could happen. There could be a PRISON GANG RAPE.
Written by GENIE