Public Sex Increases The Excitement In Any Sexual Experience we could possibly have.
Having Public Sex with you is completely exhilarating in every way. Loving the way you touch me from behind with a come-on I will never resist. Kissing the back of my neck while you press that big thick cock against my ass turns me into an animal. Caring about what anyone thinks is the last thought I will be having. Needing you deep inside of me is all I am concerned with. Breathing heavier and starting to moan while you bite into me.
Telling the Real Sex Stories from my life leave me exposed, but giving the inside to my desires will pay off. Take me into a corner and reach up my dress. Dragging the backs of your fingertips against my upper thighs makes me shiver with lust. Sliding my wet panties down to my ankles in this very public corner where anyone could see. Hear me whisper in your ear to take ma and give me the Best Phone Sex ever.
Taking the leap from Phone Sex Operator to lover wasn’t very hard. Confessing how meeting you in our secret little hiding spot in plain sight gets me dripping with excitement. Slip inside of my soaking tight pussy that has waited long enough. Working up that smooth deep stroke deep within my body makes me all yours. Take me baby, and make my pussy serve your cock the way you always wanted while onlookers get a peek at two lovers on the street. Getting kinkier by the second more people begin to take notice. Loving the audience to perform for we pick up the thrusting pace. Thrusting turns into pounding and my pussy takes a beating from your powerful cock. Give me what I need until I cum all over your thick dick.