Sex Story Love Letters Continue With GFE Phone Sex Sucking and licking you.
I look deeply into your eyes completely connected, continuing to pleasure you while enticing. Any good Sex Story begins with an electric spark, an undeniable connection that people long to experience. Telling you this one, the one we create together sends tingles pulsing through my body. Wanting to relive every moment with you, the man I need to turn into an animal. Listening for those moans and pauses in your breath that let me know I’m working that spot right.
Having Phone Sex at the drop of my panties inspires my wet pussy to squeeze. Clinching around your perfect cock is what calls to me. Swirling my tongue around your swollen head and giving you that devious little wink sends the signals that I need you in me now. Picking me up by my arms you give me the deepest kiss while holding me tight. Bending me over your hard leather chair I drip with excitement. Sliding inside of this juicy little tight pussy I feel the lust you have for me. Wrapping your arms around me, pressing me to you shows me how you love every thrust.
Detailed Sex Stories run though my mind. Moaning your name while you give me what I need. Satisfying my every want you thrust harder and deeper now. Getting close to that gush and explosion that only you bring me to. Spreading my fingers apart, reaching back to grip your ass. Pulling you into me so hard I can hear the slapping sound of our bodies colliding. Pulling my hair just enough to make me growl that carnal moan right before the flood rushes around your dick. I’m on the edge and only need the slightest touch from your hand.
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