Casey and I had been mutual hookup buddies for months. Sometimes I needed a woman’s mouth on my Latina pussy. Although we didn’t have a cock to work with, our fists and tongues more than made up for it. Casey walked in and I was already naked with my legs spread on the bed. I had instructed her not to say anything, just to enter the room and see how far her tongue could reach up my cunt. She obeyed me.
I felt her slither in between my labia. It didn’t expand my pussy as much as a good cock did, but it sure did make me wet. I reached down and ran my hands through her soft brown hair, looking down at how beautiful she was. It actually turned me on knowing how every man in the world would love to be in this room with us.
Casey had a fetish for eating girls out, and she stayed down on me for nearly 30 minutes. She pressed on my clitoris hard, and it bounced in between her vibrating tongue. It shot an electrical current up inside me and my knees and legs shook as I came. She looked up at me and her face glistened in the light from rubbing her face on my pussy juice. It was my turn to play with her, and I knew what she liked.
She got in the doggy style position and I started to lick around her asshole. Her carnal position was so sexy, I wish I had a dick to plunge inside of her. She moaned as I teased her with my tongue. I knew she wanted me to lick her in the nastiest spot. I waited till just the right moment and then touched my tongue to her hole. She moaned and I laughed, I loved eating her asshole.
I put a finger inside her, then sucked on another and made it two. Her hole slowly expanded and finally I had my whole fist inside her. She loved it. My favorite part was spanking her firm ass. I vibrated my fist in every direction until I knew she was close to climax. With one final spank she let out a gasp and I knew she was satisfied. I carefully took my fist out and we cuddled, talking about how beautiful our bodies were.
“You know I brought a strap on?” Casey said.
“Bring it on!” I replied. I grabbed some lube so my sexy lesbian fuck buddy could rail me.
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