Come, watch me masturbate.
It’ll be hard for you to miss the show if you just lookup. Without a doubt, you will watch me masturbate as if my life depended on it. Being stuck inside for so long while everyone figures out the best route of business for our country have me so horny. I had to come up with a new trick to get myself off during solo play. There are several shows each day for the entire city to see. Maybe catch the matinee? Pussy juice goes great with lunch, maybe I could even invite you up?
The first thing is first, I set up right beside the window.
My condo has an impressive floor to ceiling windows that face out to the city. They’re parallel to the building across from me. When I first moved into this unit it was a bummer that I couldn’t get a bay view. I had looked forward to romantic sunsets. However my letdowns turned into excitement once I realized everyone could watch me masturbate from the comfort of their own homes much easier this way. My pussy grew excited by the thought of others seeing soaking wet hungry fingers diving in and out of my delicious cunt.
All of this fun started after one of my super hot phone sex calls.
The fun gentleman asked if I had ever considered doing this. He was genuinely excited to learn I had not and walked me through getting ready. I needed to grab toys, lube, and a stool or something else to sit on. Quickly gathering all of the required materials for the job, I met him back at the phone a few moments later to set up. He directs me to strip down and face out toward the window. I tell him what I see- a sleepy tropical cityscape coming to life in the morning.
Construction workers below and across the way doing work. A woman running on a treadmill facing toward me. Two male roommates having coffee on their balcony, one had glanced over. Hopefully, they will watch me masturbate. My heart beats fast and the caller tells me to begin.
I lube up my freshly shaved peach that is already dripping wet from its own natural juices.
Rubbing my clit while the caller walks me through the intimate details of fingering myself…He insists I place a vibrating butt plug inside of my asshole. I do this and shake my ass at the glass. The dear caller explains this will attract some attention and sure enough, it does. I turn around and to see the two men have placed their cappuccinos down and instead have their cocks in each hand. They are pumping one another and taking in the spectacle. The woman previously working out has stopped and is now on the ground also beating her own puss-puss hard. The construction workers have their cellphones out and have begun recording.
After that phone sex call, I haven’t been able to stop.
Now I have a little fan base in the neighborhood. If you should find yourself in the area you should drop by and see for yourself. I have been dying to invite one of my voyeurs up for some one-on-one action. The whore next door has lots more fun planned for you.