Let’s not beat around the bush, when we both know you have a worthless tiny cock.
Seriously, what could such a worthless tiny cock even do for me? Nothing. Last time, you claimed you could fuck me. But when you claimed to put it in, I felt nothing. Nothing but the heat of your hips pressed between my legs. And if I wanted that, I’d seek out a woman to rub our clits together.
At least with a woman, I’d get even more messy sex.
But with a worthless tiny cock, I get nothing. And, you know what? I’m tired of it. So, forgive me if I go out to the club, and grind myself on the biggest cock I can find.
Because I deserve that. I deserve to be full. In fact, I deserve to be stretched and filled and fucked within an inch of my life. So, I plan to take it. I’m going to find myself the biggest cock I can. And you’re going to watch me, worthless tiny cock. I’m not coming back with another small penis surprise.
I make it home with some youth not able to drink. And yet, his cock looks so big. Clearly, mother nature hasn’t been good to you. But, for once, you’ll be able to see how a real cock works. For example, see a real cock twitches and makes me work to suck it in the back of my throat. Makes me gag and work on it, and I love it.
And your worthless tiny cock seems to love it too, huh? Don’t worry. I plan to do far more than sucking tonight.
My Delicious Plan
In fact, I plan to put him in our bed. I push him into your spot and grind my pussy onto his hips. I’m not totally naked. In fact, you can see my wet thong, while my pussy drips down my thighs.
Finally, I’m about to fuck a cock worthy of my pussy. Slowly, I lower myself onto it, pressing the head of his cock against my hole.
His cock is everything I’d hoped it would be. Firstly, he stretches me wide. His cockhead barely makes it past my rim and forces its way right to my cervix. My walls twitch around him, trying to adjust to the sudden girth. My pussy loves it so, it gets even wetter to try and ease the way for his cock.
For once, I am incredibly full. I’m stretched the way I should, his cock filling up my pussy. It presses in all the right spots, and I can only gasp and hold onto this cock as it takes me for a ride.
Honestly, we both know you could never give this to me. I need to be so stuffed I can barely breathe. To cum, I need all the spots inside me hit. And, I need something other than a worthless tiny cock to cum.
So accept your place, beta male.
If you wanna hear me speak this out, why not call for some humiliation phone sex? You know I won’t hold back, babe.