Xxx sex stories always make me nice and horny. Obviously, you feel the same way as me because you have stumbled upon my kinky phone slut blog. So, with that being said allow me to tell you about a time where I wound up in a sticky situation. Although, not that I am complaining. It was back a few years ago when I was still living at home with my parents. My brother and his best friend were sitting downstairs in the family room when I invited myself to join them. They were browsing through the Netflix catalog when my brother realized they were almost out of beer. That left him to go on the beer run since he was the only person of age.
XXX Sex Stories with Mallory On That Netflix And Chill Night!
That was when his best friend and I were left alone to find something to watch. I know you must find yourself totally shocked to find out all I could find was his dick. I honestly don’t remember how it happened. However, in no time after my brother leaving me faced first sucking his best friends throbbing boner. I slurped every last inch of him into the back of my throat, choking him back till the base.
“We decided to say fuck it and go for the butt anyway.”
Eager to fuck before my brother made it back to the basement we desperately searched for a condom. He grabbed one out of the coffee table drawer only to have it burst as I rolled it down his girthy shaft. We decided to say fuck it and go for the butt anyway. Nothing is hotter that xxx sex stories with hot anal fucking right? I screamed out as he stuffed his wide pecker into my butthole. He didn’t care. Even as we heard my brother’s truck pull into the driveway he plowed into me till he exploded. When my brother came downstairs and asked what we were up to no doubt smelling the fresh sex in the air, we simply replied “Netflix and chill”.
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